What People Have Shared

I felt more focused almost immediately...

My experience with the 24 hour cleanse is a positive one. I had the best nights sleep I had in a long time and I have continued to sleep well. I felt more focused almost immediately. Thank you so much Joe!
Ellen W. (Saratoga Springs, NY)

I feel free, sovereign and expansive, just as I was created to be! …

The last four days have been incredible! Connecting to levels of my cosmic self, receiving assistance from my higher divine self as well as channeling light beings is really hard to put into words. On the earthly physical level, I feel very relieved of old contracts and self-limiting beliefs, so much lighter! On a spiritual level I feel SO much expansion! I remember now that I am much bigger than the trials, tribulations and heartache that I've experienced and ultimately held onto for so long. I feel free, sovereign and expansive, just as I was created to be! 

Heather M. (Aberdeen, NC)

The activations are nothing short of cosmic magic.…

If your interested in shedding what no longer serves you on a much more permanent level then this course of the 13D Master Workshop is right in alignment with your divine transformation. The activations are nothing short of cosmic magic. You truly feel so intensely connected with your IAM Presence afterward and in ways you may never have expected, anticipated or imagined. I know that life will never be the same in the most nurturing and loving way possible. Mahatma ON! Shamballa ON!

Rile D. (Pinebluff, NC)

My degree of awareness has expanded beyond expectations.…

Attending the master workshop on August 4-8, with Joe Weaver has been an experience of astounding awakening of consciousness. My degree of awareness has expanded beyond expectations. This course was healing, authentic and an acknowledgment of love without condition. I am eager to embark on future journeys within New Paradigm MDT. I'm embracing the neutrality of our observations and able to love more compassionately on a deeper level. You must experience this for yourself to truly comprehend the radiance of this and love.

Pam S. (Apex, NC)

Deeper understanding of my place in the Universe of love…

This was such a great experience and opportunity to connect with other elements of myself that I was not even aware were in existence. Being able to be held in a space of pure and unconditional love by others in this group while simultaneously growing, expanding and evolving was such a pivotal event. Joe did a phenomenal job of guiding us and holding tremendous space in order to facilitate this deeper understanding of my place in the Universe of love. I cannot wait to take the tools that I gained to others in helping them to also feel safe in completely held in love.

Heather M. (Aberdeen, NC)

Truly allow myself to put ego aside…

This was my second time experiencing a Basic Master training and it greatly differed from my first Master Class. I was able to truly allow myself to put ego aside and let the activations, mahatma and shamballa energies flow. Breathing through the build or change of energies was key to staying anchored and grounded during and after the meditations. Thank you for knowing just when to remind us to breathe and encourage us to love whenever in doubt. I can't wait to work with you more in the future!

Rile D. (Pinebluff, NC)

The focus is on affirming you are love…

My experience in the class taught me how to let go of parts of myself that were holding me back from bigger parts of my being. I learned how to navigate past ego and just be. Be in the moment and be in the present to embody love & light. The focus is on affirming you are love.

Megan T. (Vass, NC)


Transformational! I learned to accept and integrate all parts of self. The energies of Mahatma and Shamballa are warm and welcoming. Helping to assist others in discovering self love, while facilitating and anchoring energies. I learned to give love freely with no judgements. The meditations and intuitive exercises helped me better understand myself and my own gifts. Overall I learned how to harness and utilize my body to transform energies.

Naomi N. (Pinehurst, NC)

A profound sense of peacefulness…

During my sessions with Joe I experienced a profound sense of peacefulness and love which allowed me to move into higher states of my multi-dimensional being and also quieted the spasms that often wreck my body many times a day. This effect lasted for weeks afterwards.

I should tell you that I am a person living with ALS. I am in the final stages of this disease and during our sessions I caught a glimpse of what lies ahead of all of us as we pass into our multi-dimensional beingness. However, you don’t have wait till you are near death; sieze your birthright now. I believe this is Joe’s message too now.

Kathleen A. (Raleigh, North Carolina)

Practical tools that I can use in my everyday life…

I had the pleasure of a personal coaching session last week with Joe. I felt such ease in his presence, even though our session was by phone. The connection to our higher souls was instantaneous in my case. He gave me very clear and concise guidance, some that I had heard before, but some that was new to me, that stimulated my desire for further knowledge. He assisted me with practical tools that I can use in my everyday life, to attain and live in a state of ease, balance and harmony. Plus, I utilized the Arcturian Spa Chamber during my sleep space that night (and several nights afterward), and can’t remember sleeping so soundly, and awaking so refreshed! If you’re on the verge of purchasing a session with Joe, DO IT! It’s So worth the money and the time!

Ann P. (Lilesville, North Carolina)

To be awake, to be alive, to be aware…

Joe offered an informational session the evening before the class and it was like a gateway opened up, He clearly defined the lower and higher vibrational modalities and I understood. It is one thing to read about this and another to have Joe present to introduce the beautiful journey we are about to embark on.

To be awake, to be alive, to be aware, there are simply not enough words to describe the journey of this life changing class. It is a little challenging to write this so soon as all this continues to unfold in my body, life, and region.

The procession of each meditation, clearing, and activation led me to remembering who I AM and unloading the file cabinet. Opening up all of the Chakra’s, the incredible feelings of release, breathing in and out the I AM love without condition.

Joe provides insight into meditation like no one I have met, you don’t have to sit in corner and be quiet, life is a meditation, and he showed us how… powerful. These meditations enhanced my vibration and frequency inspiring me to be an active part of the collective awareness, co-creating balance and harmony. Empowered with a greater understanding of The Collective and its continuing evolution, being part of the transformation is an incredible gift. Ego told me I was Aware and I reminded Ego that “yes I know you are there however not right now, I’m busy becoming Awake”.

Joe’s sharing opened the doorway and integrated a new form of communication, my multidimensional self. I find myself not looking for words but connecting with Nature, the earth, and beyond. I awake each day and take time to share gratitude, to clear the old patterns, opening all the metaphorical doors and windows while sitting on my porch, allowing the fresh new vibration to fill All That Is around me and at a distance.

It is with a greater sense of my I AM self that I extend a heart filled thank you to you Joe for your unconditional sharing, kindness, patience, and the incredible expansion that you shared in my home that continues to remain.

Cindy S. (Hamilton, Virginia)

Simply amazing!…

Simply amazing! Actually, its hard to use any of our words to describe this past weekend’s workshop with Joe. I had to wait a couple of days to write this because there is still stuff coming in and that I’m experiencing, just like in the 7-10 days before the workshop the energies were already prepping/working on me. On the very first activation of the workshop my crown chakra opened & (I mean really OPENED!) unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Things only got more ‘interesting’ and better with each successive one after that. Joe also balanced up the workshop nicely so we were able to discuss what we were experiencing among a myriad of other topics. I never felt nervous or like I’d be judged if there was ANY kind of seemingly crazy question I wanted to ask in our group discussions. I have to be honest, I took the initial 13D Master course 4 years ago and was a little skeptical in the back of my mind that much more could be activated & accessed within my conscious being…..BOY WAS I WRONG! You absolutely must get an upgrade as soon as possible if you have attended previous workshops, especially with all the new energies coming into Earth at this time. And if you’ve never done a 13D workshop in any shape or form before, what are you waiting for?!

Beckton S. (Raleigh, NC)

It is a step into freeing yourself…

For those that have taken many healing modalities and been on this path a while, I would say that 13D and the 13D Upgrade will help you clear and release any and all accumulations of beliefs, programs, limiting thoughts and anything else not for your highest good. It is a step into freeing yourself of all limitations and standing in your true empowerment of all that you divinely are. Connecting more with your own divinity within… your I AM Presence and Godself …… a place within that knows more about you than you can imagine. For those that are new to this spiritual path and journey, this is a great place to start and be more connected to your own Higher Self/I AM Presence right from the beginning and continue from there. The 13D upgrade was a breath of fresh air and self empowerment. Joe is very supportive through the process to all in attendance and the time flew by. The group was great and lots of connections made. If you are reading this, your I AM Presence is already nudging you to step more into WHO YOU REALLY ARE! Blessings

Sherry N. (Raleigh, NC)

I can’t hardly wait for the next upgrade!…

My experience in the upgrade was wonderful. The lower level activations felt more carnal but the higher levels were lighter and easier to integrate. I am amazed at the beautiful geometric crystaline forms that were being integrated. The higher frequencies and levels are very loving and warm. I can’t hardly wait for the next upgrade!!!

Rose G. (Raleigh, NC)

Freed me from “slavery of the mind”…

The experience of taking Basic Master NPMDT freed me from “slavery of the mind” and fear and ego which in turn empowered me to know how to be in pure love and joy. Once this is mastered I can move forward and help many more people as a collective one! Thank you, thank you, thank you! xoxo

Stacy D. (Canton, Ohio)

This course literally changed my life…

This course literally changed my life in that it changed my way of perception on a deeper level. I’ve known most of my life that I was meant to be a light worker, left my 9-5 job, cut out the people in my life that were not coming from a place of light and love, changed my eating to higher frequency vibrational foods, started a consistent daily yoga practice, gave away most of my material possessions and was living a simpler life, yet I felt stuck or blocked. Something was missing to help me connect truly in my higher self and through this course I found the keys that I needed. It wasn’t easy but the benefits you receive are more than worth the possible pain of facing fears, memories that you may have thought that you dealt with, patterns that you needed to leave behind that were sabotaging you. Your experience may be different than mine but trust me it will change your life on levels you could never imagine.

Michelle J. (Brooklyn, New York)

We have free will to release all that is not of love…

The class repeatedly reinforced that I/we are perfect as we are, that we are pure love. This is our original and only state of Being. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. We have free will to release all that is not of love. The spiritual dimension and God loving Beings are here to support our journey. We are very supported and loved. Joe was a wonderful teacher, no judgement and much love was shared!

Nancy O. (Willoughby, Ohio)

Helps facilitate one in connection with their true essence…

This is a workshop that helps facilitate one in connection with their true essence and bringing higher frequencies into the physical body allowing release of what no longer serves their higher good. This is done in a very supportive nurturing environment by a skilled presenter. Thank you.

Maggie M. (Cleveland Hights, Ohio)

I was able to leave my mind behind…

Through the nonjudgmental guidance of Joe I was able to leave my mind behind and to integrate energy into my chakra system for my highest good as well as the planet.

Kathlyn B. (Chegrin Falls. Ohio)

An opening to my clairvoyance…

We experienced releasing old patterns which opened us up and allow us to be a clearer channel to receive information. This information connects us to our Divine Balance. My personal experience was an opening to my clairvoyance, which I have not fully brought forth in the past.

Shelly P. (Massillon, Ohio)

A true eye opener…

This Shamballa workshop has been a true eye opener. Before I tried to follow other’s ways of meditation or spiritual paths and found myself having feelings of failure. This created judgement and constant negative emotions and feelings toward myself that exhausted me. Shamballa has taught me that all that I need to know is within me. It has taught me to love myself and love the path I’m in. From now on the journey is going to be one of love, happiness and no judgement. Shamballa has truly changed my life. Everyday after the workshop there was so much love in me, my heart felt it was going to explode with happiness. After now, after this is over I feel that feeling is going to stay with me always. Thank you! I now know I’m pure love!

Juliana C. (San Josa, Costa Rica)

Life-changing workshop…

A very beautiful informative and life-changing workshop. Shamballa is love with-out conditions and with-out structure. The divine essence of ourselves as we move into a new age. Joe is a balanced very enjoyable and grounded facilitator. It has been a pleasure!

Ruth R. (Cork, Ireland)

To claim our personal power!…

To come to this course, I got an inner guidance. Without theoretical notions or expectations about this course I experimented and I enjoyed every moment even if I felt some frustrations, fears and attachments I managed to be aware of to accept to integrate and to free myself. Now I realized I already talked with my self, but did not know. Universe sent me the best guide for me. Joe is a nice and deep person with gentle but very powerful energy in the same time. He helped us all to integrate Mahatma – Shamballa energy and to find our own mastery, to claim our personal power! I thank my I AM Presence for the choice! Thank you Joe for everything!

Mirela S. (Bucharest, Romania)

More at peace…

Joe enthusiastically shares love with-out conditions. I came away from the workshop more at peace with myself and the world around me.

Laura R. (Woodstock, Georgia)

My energy has increased…

Shamballa has provided an opportunity for me to slow down and reflect on where I am and where I am going. Shamballa meditations provided a tool to the world and the universe. My energy has increased over the past 5-days and I thank Joe for his guidance.

Sheila M. (Alberta, Canada)

A new and plenary experience for me…

This workshop represents a new and plenary experience for me. I lived the experience of unconditional love to the highest level since now. Mahatma love energy and pure light is more powerful then everything I felt until this workshop. Joe is a wonderful teacher and the unity energy was flowing all the time on all the 5 days of the workshop. Thank you Joe. Thank you to the Ascended Masters. Thank you Hari Baba.

Tania B. (Bucharest, Romania)

You just know this is something big…

I think that Joe is a great teacher and master, but first of all he is a best friend! He reminded all of us that the infinite unconditional love is our true and pure esense, it is the beginning that created the whole universe and this feeling truly liberate us from any obstacle that obstructs or hinders our progress, our evolution. In fact, Shamballa is about this: Pure Love and Freedom… and of course about how we can use our knowledge, talents and power with wisdom, harmony, balance and in serve of all beings, without any discrimination, for their higher good. Shamballa 13D is about how we can heal the illusion of separation and metamorphosing us into a colourful “butterfly”, to be in connection with our authentic self. I’ve learned again that “i am another you and you are another me”, the world is a mirror and we have an inner radar system that causes us to be attracted to people who resonate vibrationally, you just feel that you resonate with someone at a very deep, mysterious level. I think that at soul-level you have agreements with other souls to do spiritual development work together in this lifetime. These agreements can be decided upon after or even before you are born. We usually have hundreds of these agreements. Depending on the choices we make, we meet some of these souls, and others not. So it’s not like we necessarily meet those people. But when we do meet them, we immediately have this sense of deep recognition. It’s like you had an appointment with them and they just showed up for that appointment. You just know this is something big, something meaningful, something that happens at a deeper level. It’s like, wow. Shamballa on! Smile, smile again… life is beautiful! Namaste! : )

Mihaela C. (Bucharest, Romania)

Felt the expansion of the energies…

Joe did a wonderful job bringing through and grounding Shamballa into the chaotic energies of Saigon. We are really grateful that he made it over here and are pleased to see a change in the energy of the area. I really enjoyed the Basic Teacher workshop and felt the expansion of the energies, as well as greatly appreciated the wisdom and love shared by Joe once again. I am looking forward to sharing Shamballa with others now, and feel extremely confident to do so following the workshop, and Joe’s sage advice that everything will come to us as we need it.

Jim M. (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)

I am grateful…

I am grateful for all this 5 days and all the experiences, the meditations, the responses to my previous questions. I feel that this courses are made for my soul and I am grateful that finely on this days and meditations I integrate parts of my soul, Love and I am becoming the Master of myself. I’ve always have had “problems” because I was to often given my Power away. Thank you so much, Joe!

Oana B. (Constanta, Romania)

A powerful shove into discovering my own mastery…

The Shamballa 13D workshop was amazing. It is very intense and interesting. For me it was like a powerful shove into discovering my own mastery. I am very grateful to have met Joe. He is incredible. The things he said made me open my eyes and dare to see who I really am and enjoy it.

Roxana B. (Bucharest, Romania)

Beyond all expectations…

First of all, I want to thank you for the opportunity to be part of the Shamballa Family. When I applied for this class I thought I will only go deeper with knowledge that I’ve already gained studying Shamballa MDH levels 1-4. What I lived during this classes was beyond all expectations. Joe’s meditations and activations were absolutely wonderful. During all meditations, I have had special feelings and experiences that exceeded the limits of this density. Joe, I want to express my gratitude to you for all that I have lived, learn and felt during your workshop. The energy was very special, my heart was beating and vibrating at highest frequencies of Unconditional Love. What impressed me most was Joe’s ability to raise the vibrations of the space where we did the classes. First 2 days I actually felt my blood pressure while raising the frequency of the room. Thank you again, Joe, for the powerful cleaning you did to us. At this class I’ve learn the importance of the anchoring the energies we bring from higher dimensions, the importance of keeping our bodies clean. So, I want to thank you again for all you are, brother, for all I AM NOW. You are a part of me and I am a part of You. Shamballa ON! Love, George

George M. (Bucharest, Romania)

The workshop was fantastic…

The workshop was fantastic. It was an incredible experience. I feel amazing. Now I am Shamballa. Even I knew and I felt from some time this, now I am sure of it.

Carmem S. (Bucharest, Romania)

A life-changing experience…

I found this workshop to be a life-changing experience. I recommend it to anyone who wants to know more and to release old habits and fears that no longer serve. And yes, Joe is the very appropriate facilitator for that purpose. I have rarely encountered a person so honestly dedicated to assisting any willing person to find one’s true nature, to empower oneself and to let go of anything that no longer serves one. I’m glad I met him and I think that attending this workshop is a very good step in anyone’s path to achieve a greater degree of awareness. Love to all, let’s walk, breathe and be Shamballa!

Andi D. (Bucharest, Romania)

It was a true joy to meet you all…

The Shamballa Family is wonderful and I’m confident on it’s extension. It was a true joy to meet you all.

Lidia C. (Constanta, Romania)

I feel myself in everything and everywhere…

If there is something that I needed for and I wanted with all my being, but I didn’t know what it (and waiting was more and more overwhelming), it is and was Shamballa experience. Probably that I had to be 2 in 1 to benefit of Shamballa, to feel it and integrate it better. After this 5 days I feel easier, I feel myself in everything and everywhere, I feel like I am peace (not in peace). Everything is happening to me since April 20 is materialized Shamballa – thought – opportunity to be materialized. Beside that I feel rounded and blessed because I meet wonderful souls. Joe, you are an wonderful teacher, me and my baby we thank you because you are! I am very happy to see you again now!

Alina D. (Constanta, Romania)

I am standing much more in my power…

I feel is difficult to put in words transformational experiences, I can say I’m different now after the Shamballa workshops, I am standing much more in my power, I am much more straight on communicating what I feel and what I think , without concerns about other person perception. I am grateful for the process I’ve been through, for the opening and understanding, for the model of balance, wisdom and Self empowerment Joe showed us. I feel blessed and loved. I yearned about the feeling of love for myself so long, it was like the light at the end of the tunnel that I never find, but now I can say I lived the state of being in love with my Self and this state of being is beyond anything words can describe. I love to be part of the Shamballa Family, I love Joe, I love Hari Baba and I love Merlin.

Anisoara C. (Bucharest, Romania)

It was a deep experience…

For me the Shamballa 13D workshop it was a deep experience, like a journey deep inside my being. I am convinced now about this knowledge and I believe there is a deep healing on a personal level and on a collective level also. I thank you and I am grateful to Joe for holding this workshop in Romania, I felt that the space he created it was a safe and harmonious space, proving himself balance and harmony for the entire period of the workshop. I am happy to be part of the Shamballa family!

Iuliana C. (Bucharest, Romania)

Expression of love…

Shamballa for me is a way of healing through the sharing and expression of love. Joe’s assistance throughout the course is compassionate and supportive. Thank you Joe.

James B. (Delco, NC)

An experience that I will not soon, if ever forget…

Joe spoke to everyone’s levels of understanding with patience and love. He made it easier for me (us) to be able to dispel fear and replace with love and to understand what love without conditions means. The Shamballa workshop was an experience that I will not soon, if ever forget. To be able to explain and embrace levels of consciousness, of Light and love; to meet the people/Light beings of Shamballa, and to be spiritually fulfilled. Thank you Joe. Thank you Shamballa.

Belinda M. (Manassas, VA)

It is a truly remarkable experience!…

The Shamballa 13D Workshop enriches the hearts and minds of all who attend. The facilitator Joe was so encouraging and knowledgable about his teachings. He instantly was able to connect with everyone in the class. I have come light years ahead of where I stood in only four days time. It is a truly remarkable experience! Shamballa On!

Chris S. (Wilmington, NC)

I am ecstatic!…

Coming into this class I wasn’t fully aware of all that it entailed. The bliss, love, and peace is phenomenal. Joe is a talented wonderful teacher explaining and illustrating all so one assimilates quickly. The depth and vastness of attaining Oneness with “Self”, I AM Presence and God Conscious is so very fulfilling. We are One! I am ecstatic! Thank you Joe.

Pat V. (Leland, NC)

I was a military professional…

This is the first time I have ever attended a course such as this. I was a military professional for nearly 30 years. Nothing like this is taught in that atmosphere. Maybe it should be in that training?

Joe spent a lot of time un-frustrated with my questions. His guidance was clear, professional, informed, experienced and sincere/loving. This meant a lot to me as I transition from a lengthy warrior mentality to an enlightened being. Thanks, Mark

Mark M. (Wilmington, NC)

The workshop is beyond words…

You may have meditated and worked with many healing systems, also read or listened to many books. If you have done this and still have questions about who you are, this course is for you. The workshop is beyond words.

Kandice B. (Youngsville, NC)


Word’s cannot really describe the experience, words would just be inadequate to relay it. However, I do feel everything in my life (or lives) has led me to this point. To now carry on with what I am meant to do. Woo Hoo!

Joe is the perfect teacher for my experience. I felt completely supported and loved with no judgment. Wonderful!

Karen H. (Millers Creek, NC)

I am a licensed clinical psychologist…

I am a licensed clinical psychologist who came down from North Dakota to experience this with Joe in Charleston, SC. I would attend again in a heartbeat. The workshop is highly experiential and trans formative. Joe is a master. I highly recommend him.

Laurie K. (Grand Forks, ND)


Amazing! I never have had an experience like this in my life. I did not know what to expect when I got here, but what I left with was an amazing new love for myself and others. I learned ways to connect with myself on a higher level and heal any perceived wounds. Thank you! Thank you! I will be back.

Tanya R. (Charleston, SC)

Redesigned my “Being”…

I thought Joe’s “New Earth, ascension workshop” was incredible but the Shamballa 13D workshop redesigned my “Being” – a total transformation! I feel so much more equipped to do the work that I am meant to do. Letting go of the generational garbage and replacing it with love and light has been the best journey I have ever experienced! Shamballa ON! Thank you with love, light and laughter!

Eilsabeth R. (Wilmington, NC)

In my opinion everyone needs to do this workshop!…

In my opinion everyone needs to do this workshop! It was possibly the best experience of my life and has opened my eyes to more than I imagined it could. The main thrust of the course is self-realisation and complete empowerment of Self, and it delivered. The change in my energy and thinking has been amazing. I thought Joe was absolutely great as facilitator. He never let up with his constant message of empowerment and dropping what we no longer need. His energy is full of love, fun and he has deep wisdom. The way he interacted with us ensured that no one’s mind or ego got the better of them, and I can’t really express how much I have got out of the workshop.

Jim M. (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)

Shamballa has changed me forever…

I can say without hesitation that the Shamballa 13D Workshop is the most powerful experience I have had in my 57 years here on Earth. Joe Weaver is a gentle yet powerful teacher and facilitator who makes the experience a joy, a blessing, and one that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Shamballa has changed me forever. Joe Weaver is a perfect example of all that Shamballa represents and is.

Maitri L. (Wilmington, NC)

You are not alone…

The Diamond Frequency of unconditional love to help you connect to your I AM Presence is an unforgettable experience. Once you make the connection, the information that comes through is full of clarity and trust, more so than in any of the other modalities I have experienced. Your ability to help Mother Earth and all her creatures is increased infinitely in this wonderful transition period. You are not alone.

Rose G. (Raleigh, NC)


The energy level from this course was so high and joyful. I felt a radiant flow of energy that passed through me and I felt this tingly sensation on the plant of my feet, that tingly feeling started on the first day and stayed within me through the entire course on different levels. Radiant!

Elizabeth S. (Knightdale, NC)

An incredible tool in my own personal transformation…

The 2-day workshop was an amazing experience. I found the meditations to be an incredible tool in my own personal transformation. Joe did a great job in facilitating the process and supporting us in the space. I see this as a huge step in “remembering” who I really am!

Shannon H. (Wilmington, NC)

Best workshop that I have attended…

Joe is a great facilitator. He is truly talented in letting information flow to you. The Shamballa workshop that he does is the best workshop that I have attended and I highly recommend any workshops that Joe does. The experience is something that you will not regret, it has been a great transformation for me and I am very grateful I took the workshop and very grateful to Joe Weaver.

William M. (Florence, SC)

Remembering who you are…

Bringing in the true light if unconditional love into your own human experience on multi-dimensional levels. Truly releasing and integrating, it was like opening up different levels of your own essence and spirit. “Remembering who you are.”

Rose G. (Raleigh, NC)

Gentle and uplifting…

The Shamballa course it was a wonderful moment for me, which even it took 8 days, the energy was constant, gentle and uplifting. The meditations and activations were just flowing in I AM finding that part of myself not yet expressed; I feel I was in the right place at the right moment to meet in this dimension also, souls with which I have energetic and spiritual connection. I thanks the Light from which I Am is coming for all the wonderful gifts I received during this course, through Joe, from beings and ascended masters and from Shamballa family. Through Joe I known Mahatma Love, I experienced the Unconditional Love frequencies and Light frequencies, feeling him in every moment as a pure information channel, a sincere person, special and humble, from which I could learn enormous. Joe planted in me the seed of knowledge and I will honor his I Am at every step with and in Shamballa. Namaste Joe! Shamballa ON!

Gabriela A. (Rome, Italy)

I am my own creation…

I am my own creation. I am the one that creates. I am the choice to experience existence-beeingness. The only boundary that keeps me from what I could be is the belief in myself and my imagination. I am the creation which experiences itself in a space time mirror. My perception is an act of creation. My choice of perception creates the way I live myself and the whole reality. This is the love of my choice, the love of who I am. In order to face my fear I allow myself to be vulnerable. I open and follow my heart. This is my freedom. I believe whatever my heart feels to believe. That is how you live in NOW. It is the realization that all beings are equal. I integrate love, harmony and balance. I am what I am! Shamballa On!

Daniela S. (Buftea, Romania)

More aware of our multidimensional Being…

Shamballa, it came toward me many years ago, about 20, when I read about it in a book. I didn’t understood too much at that time, only that it is a magic land in another dimension, with beautiful higher beings. Reading about this I felt a great joy and an inexplicable desire of “being there”. So I said out loud “I would like sooo much go there and visit that place!!…” This it was for that time in my life. I didn’t know then, it is enough to set an intention and things will come out, or come in into your physical life. After that, my first experience, my first aware experience in spiritual life it came with Reiki Usui in 1993 and I was in loved by this. Setting my own way of “doing” things without symbols, without rules, without Reiki history things, only following my intuition and doing everything in Love and having trust in Our Source which I used to name it God until I understood better what is about. In the last two years I has an earthy and spiritual life full of challenges and all kind of experiences which I didn’t understood all from the beginning, that they were meant to help support my growth. Since I know myself, I used to say is nothing I can not do which is not in my power if it is in God’s will for me. I used to say and truly believe that I can do everything I want, only figure out the right way to do it. But lately, in these two years, something happened and because I let people judgement affect me, I came in that point of asking myself if I really can do everything I want. It was a time of big fight with myself, with my beliefs, with my Life and Spirit understanding, about looking for Truth. It was a very interesting time, because in my Essence, I knew the Truth all the time, but, somehow, my mind came to take the power and tried to be in charge and all kind of confusing thoughts came into my mind. This story is very nice and long and I will not write more. I will say only that I came here, in this life form, to bring Love on Earth and heal people through Love. When I read the announcement for Shamballa 13D Master Healer workshop, I just knew THIS is the right path I have to take in order to bring back my true power and essence. I felt THIS is what I need and I looked for! And so it is! Because through the wonderful presence and Spirit of Joe Weaver, through his kind and loving way of sharing things and teachings with us I received once more, the confirmation and fully understanding of what I really AM. I came more in connection with I AM Presence and I understood much more my relation with it. And if it was necessarily to still do this, I became more aware of our multidimensional Being. Through him I could see and embrace, again, the Beauty of Our Spirit. I was very excited when, during this classes, Joe Weaver confirmed to me things which I used to share with people and in this way I know that my understanding is true. I found in this teachings and Presence ALL I looked for! I feel immensely blessed and honored to met Joe in Spirit and in person! I feel grateful for Everything I received in these days from and through Joe! Thank you! Diana

Diana R. (Giurgiu, Romania)