Change is inevitable - Newsletter July 2023

Change is inevitable - Newsletter July 2023

Hello All,

In so many ways we trick ourselves into believing all sorts of illusions. Some of these "illusions" are what we have been told and some are what we have imagined. However no matter what the "illusion" is, if we FOCUS on it long enough, IT becomes what we experience. Like stepping stones we create our own path. A lot of the time not knowing where our choices will lead. Most of the time we do not change course or make changes in our lives until we have experienced the result of a combined chain of choices. Then we may have the realization of I NO LONGER wish to experience this again, so I must MAKE A CHANGE! This is normally how we live our lives, of continually living through our choices.

Change is the nature of creation. We can either live harmoniously with change or fight it. However fighting change will only postpone it, in time everything changes no matter what we think or believe. Change is inevitable, the only choice we have is HOW we are going to experience this change!

Release the fears and the limiting beliefs my friends. ALLOW yourself to change and see through the illusions to what is REAL.

Are you ready? I am here to assist. Check out my upcoming events and latest video podcasts below!

Joe Weaver


Upcoming Events :

Mahatma Meditation & Activation : Friday July 14 @ 6:00 - 7:30pm : Wake Forest, NC

New Paradigm 4-Day 13D Master Class : August 4 - 7, 2023 : Aberdeen, NC

New Paradigm 2-Day Master Class : September 23 & 24, 2023 : Youngsville, NC


Latest Video Podcasts :