Speaking softly is more enlightened! (Discernment)

Speaking softly means I am more spiritually connected. It means that I have integrated more spiritual power. So speaking very, very softly, is a good indication of how spiritually advanced I am. Therefore. You are freely open to give your power away to anything I say or anything I do. IF you believe anything I just said right there, I SLAP you upside your face! LOL, and say, wake up my friends! Stop giving your power away to people that speak really softly, because it doesn't really matter what they are saying. They are just speaking softly! That's all they're doing. It doesn't mean they're special! It doesn't mean that they are more spiritually connected! It just means they're speaking softly! That's all it is!
Our ego likes things served to us on a silver platter. If information is not served up in just the right way, that our ego likes. It will say, oh, I don't like that. It's like some kind of food that you eat, despise and you can't eat it. So it's the reason a lot of people think, oh this is some serious spiritual shit here because he's speaking so softly, and so slowly. It must be important, spiritually advanced or some very important information.
Know that the ego is an incredible judge! It always likes to judge! Categorizing something as good or bad. That is right or wrong. If it's not just in the right format the ego likes, then it totally dismisses the information. It doesn't even really analyze the information or even look to see that maybe there's some truth here, Even though a person is talking in regular voice, or really slow and soft. There might be some truth here. So my suggestion is, my friends. It doesn't really matter how people talk, because it's just information! Feel the truth! Don't just blindly trust and believe people! Again, that's ego! The ego can only believe, it can't truly know the truth! That's the reason why I continue to say feel the truth! Build your inner discernment of what truth is! Align it with your heart knowingness! Therefore, when people speak. It doesn't matter what they're talking about, or how soft they're speaking. You can feel the truth! You do not have to believe it! Instead you can feel if it's the truth or not. Do not give your power away to anyone or anything! So that's it!