What is channeling? (Channeling)

The word "channeling" is the word of the month. As I was just discussing in the last topic regarding people speaking softly and how the ego likes information served up on a silver platter. If it's not exactly how the ego likes it, then of course the information is completely dismissed. The main thing to comprehend is YOU as the soul within your physical body, are channeling your ego. At the moment you listen to your ego judging a scenario, having fear, anger, or whatever information you are channeling from your ego. Your ego is an aspect that's tied to the physical body, but it is not who you truly are. It's an aspect of the physical body that you choose to channel.
So here is the example that I give in classes. When we are born and our soul is attached to this physical body. Up through the the first 5 or 6 years, our soul is fully connected with our I am presence, which is our eternal self, fully connected and listening. As you know, a lot of young children are very peaceful. They laugh all the time. They're very naturally giving to other people. It's our eternal instinct to be more sharing and having fun. When we are fully connected as a soul with our enternal self of our i am presence. Through the years between six and nine years old, that's when we as the soul start listening more to the ego of the body. The ego had those first 5 or 6 years learning from the environment, looking at other people and scenarios. It's had all kinds of experiences. So US as the soul around the age of six years old. Start listening more to the ego instead of the i am presence. If you really look at children between the ages of six and nine, they become more independent. They think they know everything and become more selfish in a way. The reason for this is again, the soul is channeling the information from the ego instead of the knowingness coming from the i am presence.
As we grow older, moving into the teenage years where hormone levels are changing in the body. It''s extremely challenging for us to be really connected with our I presence during those years. This is the reason why the teenage years have a lot to do with self-identity. The perception of myself with the world and so on has a lot to do with self identity, that is straight up ego. The soul (YOU), again, is channeling the information from the ego. As we continue to grow older, we may start to feel the urge to get back in touch with who we truly are. That is when we might get interest in meditation or different things. Integrating more of our natural self and more of our authentic self and so on. This is when we start connecting more with our eternal self of our I am presence. That's just an example of channeling. There's are people that channel other beings and other forms. But what my main focus in explaining here is how very, very, very simple this is. It all has to do with focus! So as we are going through these times of change, it's very important for us to become more aware of where we're getting our information. Is it tied into fear? Is it tied into judgment of another? Is it tied into a dualistic view of the world? How we start to remembering who and what we are is by letting go of these beliefs of this separation that you see in the world, the fears and so on. When we do that, we actually have the opportunity to channel more of the authentic truth that is existing here with us right now. It gives us the opportunity to see beyond the fear, to see beyond the judgment, to see beyond the dualistic reality that we are perceiving. In order to see beyond, you have to let go of it. So that is just a short example about channeling. It is a topic that we get into in the New Paradigm Master Classes, where we actually go in to giving suggestions on how to channel, the ins and outs of it, give people the opportunity to channel, to really experiment and get to know what channeling is. So if you're interested in that, my suggestion is to attend one of those classes. My next New Paradigm class will be around April of next year in 2025. I'll be posting more information about that soon, but these classes that I'm describing are available around the world. There's a lot of teachers around the world that offer those classes. They are opportunities for you to learn more about yourself, where your getting your information and stepping into your power!
So hopefully this information assists with explaining how simple the process of channeling is.