There is NOTHING more special! (Self Awareness)

It is very easy for us as humans with our egos and so on. To put people or non-human beings on a higher archy. To think this being or person is higher than me, is more important or more special than I am. Again, the ego is always looking outside the self for someone to save "it/me". For someone to do this for me, the list goes on and on. The ego is always looking outside the self. So the whole topic about "there's nothing more special" is that there's nothing more special than the wholeness of who we are as a collective! There's nothing more special! So when you catch your ego looking towards someone or something, that's outside of your physical being and you're putting them higher up and saying, please give me this information, please do this for me, do that for me or whatever else. Remember, there is nothing more special than the collective self, the wholeness of who we are, not only as humans, but our connection nature in itself, the connection to the earth, and to the universe. There is nothing, LITERALLY nothing that is more important than the collective wholeness of everything that is! There's nothing more special. So when you start breaking out this individual, this being or person. Know when you start putting things on a hierarchy of better, more powerful than you, know that this information is coming from your ego!
There is nothing more special than the wholeness of everything that is. Let go of the dualistic game or hierarchy that you imagine and see within the illusion of this reality. There are a lot of different things playing out right now regarding this shift in consciousness. It's the reason why this video channel is called Power UP and has to do with self empowerment. This shift in consciousness has to do with YOU stepping into your power to a greater degree and realizing who and what you are as an individual, but who we are as a collective self. How you are tied into all that is, and remembering these connections. So again, the reminder is "there is nothing more special" than our collective existence together, our collective wholeness of the earth, the solar system. The galaxy and universe together as one. There is nothing more special!