Respect must exist! (Freedom)

As I was just explaining regarding regulation. No matter how good hearted someone is, more restriction equals less freedom. The best way to create more change is through consumer demand and people's choices. If we look into the future of us having less and less regulations, less and less restrictions on people's free will and so on. A lot of people might be like, oh if we didn't have rules and regulations it would be chaos! If this is what you think you would be judging people's awareness. Going forward, in order for us to have a world of more freedom, freedom of choice, freedom of speech and so on. The boundaries would exist through respect. That's the main reason for discussing this topic. Respect must exist. Respecting people's free will, respecting people as a human on earth. Respecting their right to exist and seeing that everyone inherently has levels of freedom. This is really playing out in a world right now. We have so much constriction, there's genocide, people being killed over who and what they are and so on.
Going forward the collective of humanity on earth must integrate more and more respect for one another. Respect for life, including plants, and animals. Respect for the Earth itself, and not take advantage of the earth. Instead of power over others, we embrace being more as equals. This all comes with respect!
Respect is incredibly important for us to move into as an element for creating more unity on the earth. To become more aware of our collective essence of our star brothers and sisters throughout the universe and so on. It all has to do with respect! So I ask you all to observe yourself during these times of major change, because over these next coming weeks, months, years, it's going to be a lot of crazy, wild stuff going on. Keep in the back of your mind what I am describing here.
When you ask yourself, how are we going to move forward as a collective, how are we going to move out of this dualistic game that we're currently in? Again THE essential element that is going to assist us with building that bridge of more unity within our collective self is with respect. Respect is essential! This respect that I'm talking about is not going to come through more rules, more regulation. It's going to come through honoring and respecting people's free will. Free will to choose what happens to their physical bodies, free will to choose, to speak and get information how they wish. It's essential. So keep in mind how important respect is during these times of change!