The most IMPORTANT thing to focus on! (IAM Presence)

With the collective shift in consciousness and everything that is happening in this reality. If there is any single thing that I have grasped and integrated up to this point of my physical existence, is knowing how important it is to integrate the connection with your I AM Presence. There is literally nothing more important than focusing and connecting with your I AM Presence. Literally nothing!
If there were no other Beings within your awareness like, Jesus, or Mother Mary. The most important thing would still be connecting with your I AM Presence. Being that we have all these different options of Beings to connect with and channel. Some people are like, I'm a channel of 150 different Beings! For this reason a lot of people overlook the importance of integrating their I AM Presence. Yes, a lot of people channeling all kinds of Beings in different forms, and they provide a lot of useful information to people. But a lot of this information is also distracting! As I've described in previous topics, how easy it is for people to look outside of themselves for someone or something that is greater than them, more powerful than them, and so on. This is one of the main reasons why it is so important to connect with your I AM Presence at this time. To integrate more of that knowingness of who and what you truly are on an eternal level.
So when you say that I have these guides, assistance teams and Beings helping you. My suggestion is to put this to the side and FOCUS specifically on integrating the voice and knowingness of your I AM Presence. There is nothing more important right NOW!