Let it FLOW! (Channeling)

As I described in the previous topic of "where I get my information" is from my I AM Presence. I have been working on this for years. As I mentioned, I started writing articles around 20 years ago, creating videos, sharing information and so on. Through the process of me sharing information and allowing the information to flow is how I have strengthened the connection that I have with my I AM Presence. If I was not sharing this information, I probably would not have the ability to share the information that I do. I would most likely not know myself to the degree that I do now either. I'm not saying that everyone needs to create videos. Or that everyone needs to share the information from their I AM Presence. There's other ways to let the information flow. You can write in a journal, which a lot of people do. When you do this make sure your intention is connecting with your I AM Presence and allow that information to flow. It's a great way to get to know the voice of your I AM Present to a greater degree. With your intention on I am connecting with my I AM Presence, or you could say authentic self or Divine Self. Make this your intention, and through that intention, it allows the information to flow with greater ease.
In the same way if you would like to create music. What I'm talking about is when you sit down to create music, you have nothing within your awareness, you have nothing within your mind, but only an idea. Then you ask you're I AM Presence for assistance and allow the information to flow. From there you start creating music out of whatever instrument that you are using. This is what a lot of musicians do already and they might not even know where the information is coming from. They sit down allow the information to come in. Next thing they know, they've created a whole song! The information was not within their brain up until that point! They channeled the information from somewhere! All information comes from somewhere! So another example would be, say if you had a blank canvas with all the painting supplies in front of you. You cleared your mind 100% and you connect with your I AM Presence. With your intention you say I'm going to create a picture that represents something very important to me that is now coming from I AM Presence. Then you just start painting. The main thing is you didn't have all the information within your mind at that time. You just started allowing the information to come through. You allowed it to flow and therefore you created a picture that you had no idea about before you sat down. The same thing with the music, journaling, and me allowing the knowledge of who I truly am to flow. This is how we build a stronger connection with our Eternal Self. This is how we integrate more knowingness is through the process of connecting and allowing it to flow. This knowledge is not just going to come into our awareness while we're holding on to fear, or while we're holding onto beliefs and restrictions. Structures and different things that we've created around our awareness. How is information supposed to come in if we do not take action through our intention of connecting to a greater degree with our enternal divine knowingness? It takes action, not beliefs! It takes willingness to connect to a greater degree of who and what you truly are! So, as I've shared in this update. How we get our information is extremely important during these days of building greater discernment of what is true and what is not. If you wish to have greater discernment, then my suggestion is to connect with your I AM Presence. There is no greater power or more important thing for you to connect with and or get to know to a greater degree right now than your I AM Presence, your eternal authentic Divine Self. There's nothing more important.
The best way to connect and allow the information to flow, is whatever works the best for you at the specific time. You can do painting one time, then you might make some music, then you might do some journaling, then you might just start talking. Information might come in that you had no idea about before you started talking. The information came from somewhere my friends! All information comes from somewhere. It's a matter of you identifying where it's coming from! Become more aware of where it's come from. When your ego starts talking, you have the choice to listen to your ego or not!