Where I get my information? (IAM Presence)

That moves us into the next topic of "where I get my information". The process of how I go through getting the information to share in these videos. Approximately about 20 years ago I started writing blog posts or articles on all sort of a topics. Usually related to what I was experiencing at that time, or a topic related to what's going on in the world. I would sit down and start writing. As I would write the information would just come to me. Just as in the previous topic when I was discussing "what is channeling". The information just comes to me. It's not like the information was in my mind like a written book. Once you start to write the information starts to come to you. Over the years I wrote a lot of different articles, related to a host of different topics. Then I started creating videos. I was sharing energetic updates regarding the shifts of the planet, the changing energies and so on.
In last couple of years, I've experimented with different formats of how to share information through videos and podcasts. In the last six months I have been doing these shift updates through the Power UP with Joe Weaver youtube channel. How I get the information now is, throughout the month as different scenarios or things come up. Information or examples come to me that relate to that topic. I then put it in the notes section on my phone. Over the month I accumulate a bunch of different topics to discuss in these shift updates. I don't really read into the topics very much before getting started. However I can see how they all flow together, that's how I come up with this list. Once I start the video the information just flows. A lot of time I don't even know exactly what I'm going to say. There are times that afterwards I'm like wow, that came out really smooth. I didn't consciously know about the information until I actually started talking about it. That's what channeling is! I'm channeling my I AM Presence/eternal self. It's my true identity. This is where my information comes from. A lot of people might not known about this until now. There's people in this world that channel other beings in other forms for example like the Pleadians and so on. It's basically in the same way, but my main focus is channeling information from the authentic self of my I AM Presence. This is where my information comes from.