Clearing the channels (Meditation & Affirmation)

This month's meditation has to do with clearing the channels. Take a couple of deep breaths. These meditations that I am sharing in these monthly updates are short experiences to assist with what you are focusing on. These meditations would be best used as examples for you to work on throughout the month. It's not like you can just do this meditation one time and say, okay, I've done that one. You can actually take the experience that I'm sharing. Then build on them throughout the coming weeks. That's the reason why I do these. They're not very long, short meditations. So please keep that in mind.
As I'm talking here, you can get focused, take some deep breaths. Relax. I can slow down my voice. Just because I'm speaking very softly does not mean I'm more spiritual, fully connected or anything. Just means that I'm talking very slow, slow and soft. Doesn't mean anything that I'm saying is more special. It's just information. That's all it is!
It's my suggestions to get focused, so breathe and relax. Know that all information that goes through the levels of your awareness is coming from somewhere. We have a multitude, a different avenues for information to come in, you can call them channels. A lot of these channels through our physical bodies become distorted, blocked, and so on. That's the reason why clearing your energetic systems is so essential and important. Because if the channels are blocked, how can you expect to get information through? How is the information supposed to be pure? If you have distorted information/energy within those channels? So there's all kinds of ways that you could view channels. The main thing is with this exercise is to know that we have a multitude of different ways that we receive information.
The affirmation is "I now clear and dissolve all the channels of my being into pure love without conditions". I dissolve all channels of my existence into mahatma love. For those of you who don't know what mahatma love is. It is the purest form of love without conditions that we have access to on planet Earth. That's what Mahatma love is, so when I say dissolving into mahatma that means the purest form of love for conditions.
So as you breathe. Close your eyes and feel out beyond your physical body, beyond your shoulders, down below your feet, out into all directions. As you breath sense and feel. Imagine when you are breathing in and out, you are breathing in and out energy. Within energy is information. So as you breathe, you release, you relax. And as we relax, our energetic systems relax, which allows for greater flow and for information to flow in. If we are not relaxed, how is the information supposed to flow in? The practice would be as you're going through your own meditation practice in the coming days and going forward. Our awareness may want information to come in. However it's up to us to bridge the gap, to become the bridge, to make those bridges happen through your action and intention. By connecting to a greater degree with your I AM Presence.
Through the levels of your energetic systems, you could make the intention and affirmation I dissolve all channels of my being into pure love without conditions, into pure mahatma love. I dissolve all levels of my existence into mahatma love. NOW! Don't just ask for this to be done. You command it! Do not ask, command! Stand in your power of who and what you truly are. Your authentic Divine Self is already connected with infinite wholeness. Connecting to greater degree with that level of your being means that you are simply integrating that knowingness! When we're living through the ego of separation, through judgment, through duality, and so on, we are not fully connected with our Authentic Self or our Divine self. These levels know that duality is simply a perception. It is not truly real, it's simply a perception and belief. When in reality everything is pure wholeness. Everything is ONE! Everything is connected, anything else is simply illusion.
So you take a deep breath and you breathe out. When you breathe out, you see all the channels coming out of your heart, out of the center of your chest. When you breathe out in 360 degrees, pure love without conditions radiating out, clearing all the channels of your being out into all directions. As you breathe, it just radiates out into all directions. You reinforce the command. I clear all levels of my existence into pure mahatma love, without exceptions! If you feel any resistance from within your Being, feelings of fear, that you may lose something. Know that it's coming from your ego. The part of yourself that does not know who and what you truly are. Release those levels! Dissolve them into Mahatma love, into the purest form of love with that condition that exists is Mahatma love. Dissolve every single thing and element of your Being into it. Breathe and relax. Just see everything just going out into all directions. Feel out, way above your head, way out beyond your physical body. Feel! If there's any places of distortion, or darkness. See the light originating from within the center of your chest, going out and evaporating and dissolving all those spaces of darkness into pure light, into pure love without conditions. Therefore, there's no more distortions. Your pure openness allows you to feel and sense more wholeness, because that is the true divine essence of who you truly are! Take some deep breath, relax and integrate more, and more of who and what we truly are!