Mastering your thoughts (Self Mastery)

Mastering your thoughts is a very expansive topic. A lot of the topics that I share in these updates relate to mastering your thoughts. In previous updates I have offered different tips and suggestions on mastering your thoughts also. It's something that I work with people on through coaching.
A lot of people might say, well, it's impossible to master your thoughts. Well, let me give you this example. Do you ever change your mind? Let's say you are walking down the street, you think you're going to go left on the sidewalk, and then all of a sudden you're like, I really I really need to go to this store down here first. So I'm going to veer off to the right, and I'm going to go down to this other store first. You changed your mind. You were going in this direction, and all of a sudden, pop, you decided to go in the other direction. That is a matter of changing a thought. You changed the direction of which way you were going. You changed what you thought you were going to do. That's a good example of mastering your thoughts. When the information comes in and is there, no matter what it is, say if it's a fear. So how do you move beyond the fear of that specific thought? Well, you have to overcome the fear. Fear is not going to remove more fear. You have to use a different mechanism to release the fear, worry or whatever it is, whatever is in your mind. Like a food that you really don't want to eat, but it continues to be in your mind. It's a matter of changing the thought. You can clear the thought, and then focus on a different thought. Then you can go in the other direction. This is really a topic or a process that could be talked about, all day long.
The process of self mastery and mastering your thoughts is essential in the times that we are currently living in and which we are moving into. The example I have used before of taking things off of automatic pilot and operating more on manual mode. These are things that we are manually able to do. Focus on what you wish to focus on within your mind. If a bunch of things come in, you're able to clear them, realign yourself and your thought process. So it's an essential thing going forward. A lot of people are going to be, more challenged if you don't take the time to start mastering your thoughts. You may become overwhelmed with the amount of information that's going through your mind. Therefore you might say, I'm stressed out! There are ways to handle that! There's techniques to handle the amount of information that's going through your mind. There's ways to manage it. That's the reason why I bring it up. Mastering your thoughts! Take the time to do it!