New Paradigm MDT 2-DAY Class ~ January 2020 ~ Raleigh, NC

The New Paradigm MDT courses are advanced tools for personal transformation and self-healing. There are no specific symbols, practices, or techniques affiliated with these courses. The focus is instead on awakening your multi-dimensional senses and remembrance. Through the process of connecting with the levels of your multi-dimensionality; you become a pure conduit for the full spectrum of love known as the New Paradigm. Embodying these energies will not only assist with your personal transformation but also everything, and everyone, including the Earth through these times of change.

The two-day Basic Master is an introduction to the energies of the New Paradigm. We discuss the philosophy of freedom from fear and the process of empowering yourself with love. You will learn advanced techniques for clearing/transmuting energies from the physical body and environment. In addition, some exercises to assist in the expansion of your intuitive abilities and becoming aware of your multidimensional self.

Harmony Farms
Raleigh, North Carolina
January 11 & 12, 2020
9:00am – 5:00pm each day

Attendees will receive a resource manual and a numbered certificate.
Please register before DECEMBER 29