Self Acceptance (Self Love)

We all have these beliefs for how we view and portray ourselves. A lot of the time these views are multi-layered of our self-perception and what we get caught up in. The blocks that we hold against ourselves are self-created and it has to do with self-acceptance. Some of the simple things might be I am too tall, you might have been telling yourself that, since you were young, or I am too short, and therefore I am not, this or that. I am not as powerful as this or that because of my shape or size. My hair is, this weird color or my nose is a certain shape or size. Those are the physical things, but it also goes into the mental. Some of the mental patterns that we hold against ourselves. So this month's challenge has to do with identifying when you start to view yourself in these ways. These patterns are ingrained within your subconscious mind. So they are happening automatically because you have been continually reinforcing these patterns over a period of years. So therefore they are ingrained within your subconscious mind. So in order to reprogram these things, it's going to take time. That's the reason why it's the the challenge of the month. See and observe your patterns and catch yourself when it has to do with your self-perception. For example, oh I can't do this because of that. I can't do that. I can't do this because of this or that, I am this, or I can't handle that scenario. So then you pull back. Those are the kinds of things you got to rewrite. I can't get in this situation because of this. I am too sensitive. I am too weak or whatever. Whatever it is, love yourself, love yourself without conditions. Accept yourself for who you are 100%, not just 50%, 80% or whatever, 100%! Think about every single thing that you say about yourself on a daily basis, the things that you put yourself down, or you don't do because you have said you can't do that or this. You can't do that like everybody else because of the loss, pain or whatever that's happened to you in the past and you are restricting yourself from experiencing new things. So those are the current situations that you have to look beyond to reprogram yourself to step more into your power, to look beyond those fears, look beyond those self-imposed restrictions and those beliefs that you have imposed upon yourself to say that you are not this or not that, or whatever, and fully accept yourself 100%. Love yourself without conditions 100%. Stop judging yourself. Stop imposing these restrictions and the stress and the lack of flow that you essentially are imposing on yourself. Allow yourself to be happy with yourself. So ask yourself in the coming weeks. Am I happy with myself? There's different things that you can do to to observe and to see how you're working through these changes over these coming weeks.