What is Light Language? (Self Empowerment)

What is Light Language? (Self Empowerment)

A lot of people may have never heard of light language. There are different varieties of light language, just like there are different languages with humans on earth. People speak different languages, just as through the universe, different lineages and beings speak different languages. This is basically what light language is.

I'm not a big channeler of light language, but a lot of people do channel it. (Gave example of this in video) Imagine you went to a different country and you couldn't speak the language. You wouldn't have a clue about what they were talking about or even know how to ask where the toilet was located or how to order a drink. In the same way this is how I see light language. A lot of people give power their power away to light language. It's like, oh, wow, this person is channeling light language! Giving their power away to whatever the the person is channeling, say, wow, that must be some very far out, advanced spiritual kind of information!

I guess the main reason for me bringing up the whole topic of light language is to not give your power away to it. It is only a language, just like English, French, Spanish, Portuguese or anything else on planet earth. Simply don't give your power away to light language. I'm not saying it's bad or good or whatever. It just is what it is. There are a lot of people that channel light language, and they don't even know exactly what the information is, what it means. They're just allowing it to flow. There's not necessarily anything wrong with that. But again, they might not even know what the information they're channeling means. The same goes for the people that are listening to it. They may not have a clue about what the information means. I do want to point out. Some things can be conveyed more easily through light language, than through the English language. The energy of what's trying to be conveyed could be conveyed more easily through light language. So that is something important to point out. Therefore if someone is a very pure channel of a specific type of light language and wants to convey something in a way that is more easily conveyed in light language. Yes, I could see a reason for that, but overall, for most people they don't know what it means, what's truly being conveyed. So just take it with a grain of salt. Don't give your power away to people, to the information that's being conveyed through light language. They are just people that are tuning in to a certain resonance. Either their own star family, another aspect of their own being or whatever, that is channeling the light language.

I guess the main reason for me sharing this information. Is just to bring awareness about what light language is. It is simply a language, just like the English language. The second thing is, don't give your power away to light. Language. Stand in your power. Integrate your own true knowingness of who you truly are! We do not need to learn light language in order to remember who we truly are and integrate back into wholeness. Language is just a tool of communication, just as the English language. Stand in your power as always!