What is "Spirit"? (Authentic Self)

What is "Spirit"? (Authentic Self)

As I was describing in the last topic regarding beliefs and so on. There's a lot of people that say, well, spirit told me this, or spirit told me that, or I am praying to spirit or I believe in spirit and how all these different things related to spirit in itself.

My definition of the word spirit would be, spirit is essentially everything within existence that is organic in nature. The reason why I say "organic in nature" is if you had a plastic bowl in front of you that is artificial, it doesn't necessarily really have any spirit. It's not connected to spirit. That's the reason why I said organic in nature. If you had a plant or a flower or something that derived from wood or sand, or anything that has to do with our physical bodies, for example, is organic in nature. These are the things that either have spirit or are connected to spirit. And so in reality, if you look around, nearly everything is spirit. You could say the air, the spirit of ether, the spirit of fire, the elements of earth have spirit. The earth itself has its own spirit, our individual being, spirit, soul, essence of our authentic self/I AM Presence and so on.

So I guess the main reason why I am bringing up the topic of spirit, is to see that everything is spirit. So if you say, well, spirit told me this, my suggestion is to tap in and find out what level of your being that information actually came from. It's not just spirit. There's more to it. Just as a flower is and has spirit just like a tree has spirit. You can tap into the tree and see that it actually holds knowledge. The same thing with rock formations on the earth or crystals. They have spirit and are connected to spirit. They also hold knowledge.

So you may ask what does this have to do with self-mastery? Well the more we become aware of how we are connected into all that is. The more definition and information we know how everything is connected and so on. As we refine how and where we are getting information. What you are talking to and or what you are receiving information from. The word spirit is a very very broad term. So when you say, I received this from spirit. Did you receive it from the spirit of that tree over there? Where exactly did the information come from? Ask more questions, become more detailed of what and where you're getting information from, what you're connecting into. Gain more detail about where and how you are receiving information and what you are describing as spirit!