What to do with incoming changes? (Discernment)

As I have described, we have these all these amplifications. Amplification of energy coming in making us more energetically sensitive. To the amplification of things within the media/news and the amplification of the weather. It can easily get you to a point of anxiety. What is going to happen in the days ahead? It's very important to stay centered with yourself during these times of change and with these shifts. To realign yourself and be more centered in love.
If you really look around in this world with all the craziness, fear, worry, stress, anxiety, judgment of not only yourself, but other people. There's only a few different ways to go to where you can really stay centered. The ultimate main place is within levels of your own peace and harmony. The easiest way to stay within that space is self-love. Love without conditions for everything that's going on within this wild and crazy adventure that we are within; and not get caught up in what's happening next. You can be prepared, of course. If there's a storm coming it might be beneficial for you to say, well, okay, where am I going to get my water from if the power goes out? What am I going to do? Do I have cash on hand to pay for things when the electricity goes out? As we found out in the North Carolina mountains. When the power goes out, you can't use your credit cards. So it's very beneficial for your own well-being to be prepared. But while at the same time release the stress, worry and anxiety. Sometimes the more prepared we are and these changes start to happen with the weather and so on. The more relaxed we will be and therefore we will be of greater service to others, because we were prepared ourselves.
So, it's easy to get caught up in what could change or happen next. The main thing is what we are doing now to be aligned with whatever happens. It doesn't matter really what happens because of how we are prepared. We are tuned in with ourselves. We have things in place to the best of our ability and know that no matter what happens, we are going to be okay.
It's beneficial for everyone to ask themselves these questions. What do I have going on? What do I need to be prepare for? What do I need to have set up? If another storm comes through. What do I have in place with resources and everything else around me? Therefore, there's less stress, less worry, less fear. The better you are off energetically and vibrationally. The more in tune you will be with yourself and with the changes that are taking place.