How to RUN energy (Energy Healing)
I think I've mentioned this in previous months about running energy. Running the Mahatma love energy, Shamballa, or you could just say love without conditions through the physical body. I've never heard anyone explain this before. That's the reason why I wanted to bring it up.
So the concept of running energy is the same as I described in the previous topic of REM sleep. When you're in the middle of REM sleep/theta frequency and your own divine light starts flowing and heals the body. You could say that this is "running energy". It is this energy that rejuvenate the body. In the same way, as some of you are aware of the Reiki or Shamballa energy. When you're focusing on running Shamballa energy through your physical body, it's not a mental concept. It's not something that you are projecting. It's a matter of feeling it. The level of vibration then flows through your being. And as you reinforce that with the affirmation of I am Shamballla love, I am Mahatma Love, and so on. It brings that energy through your body even more potently, and therefore you can feel it distributing down through your legs, out through your feet, out through your arms, and so on. That is what running energy means. You're actually focusing on it to the point where you physically feel it running through your physical body. The same with, you can even do it with saying, I am pure love without conditions. You can say that I love myself. Then you know you can bring energy. You can focus in and at the same time breathe. Breathe with the energy as it's flowing through you. Therefore you are more in tune with it. You're able to move it more easily and so on. For those of you that are not aware of this whole concept of running energy, my suggestion again is to just look at as I described regarding REM sleep and the energy healing that flows through you at night while you're sleeping.
Become aware of the energy that is flowing through you on a regular basis. For example you could say, well I feel like crap right now because I'm stressed out. Well, the main thing is, at least you're aware of the feeling that you have stress energy in your body. Okay, so what are you going to do about that? Well, figure out what's creating the stress. Release the stress. Focus on a higher vibration. Bring that level of vibration through your physical body. Say love without conditions or Mahatma love and so on. It replenishes, resets and realigns your being to basically be in a higher vibrational state, higher vibrational level of awareness. It's healthier for your physical body, as you have the ability to heal yourself.
So that pretty much goes into running energy and the importance of running energy, becoming more aware of what actually is running through your body. Then making the conscious choice to change it up, realign, reset, and have more happiness because of the level of vibrational energy that is flowing through your physical body. It's hard to have happiness if you are continually focused on worry, stress, fear, and so on. It's almost impossible. So see what you're doing, focus on energy healing, reset, realign, reprogram and come up with new patterns.