Releasing suffering (Meditation)

The main thing about suffering is that in the majority of cases, it is a choice. As, Osho pointed out many years ago, along with many others. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
In one way or another in this physical life we will experience pain. For example if we hit our toe, we will have pain. We could have muscles pain, or a headache. We can have fear which then creates pain. Fear, worry, and anxiety creates stress which causes pain in the physical body. Fear could be viewed as the suffering due to pain of a trauma that we're holding onto. Once we release the trauma, then the suffering goes away. One of the things about this time period that we're currently living in is coming to terms with how we experience pain. The choices we make to suffer and how long we wish to suffer. If we have a loss. How long are we going to suffer after that loss? Again this is a choice. We can release the pain and therefore we're not going to suffer. We can choose to have gratitude. We can choose to love that person or thing, and be thankful for the experience that we had with them or with whatever it is. We can then release the suffering. If we hold onto the pain of the loss of a person, missing that person for years and years. Or again, we have the choice to love, or have gratitude, feel joy, while focusing on the joyful moments. We can focus on the eternal aspect of who and what that person was and who that person is currently. Even though they're not in a physical body any longer. To tune into the eternal aspect of that being, that person or animal and so on. Therefore, there's no more suffering. It's a process of releasing the program in itself. By saying, I release the program of suffering. You can say this to yourselves now out loud. When you say this, what pop's up in your mind? Really it is a program. As I shared previously in some of the other topics in this month's update. We are a biological computer. Our physical bodies are a biological computer running with programs, that the eternal aspect of who we are is experiencing reality through. It is these types of programs that we have the choice to live through, that are essentially existing within our biological computer. Just as the fear program. The fear matrix again, is something that we can experience life through, or we can make different choices to release and no longer experience that suffering of the fear matrix and fear program. The same thing with the suffering program is to see that it's a program of patterns. It's a program of beliefs. It's a program of perceptions. That we essentially opt into and say, this is how I experience life. Again this is not bad or good, it just is. It's a choice that we are choosing to live through. It is the consciousness that we are living through.
So my suggestion to all my friends is to breathe. When you are feeling pain, and are experiencing suffering of any kind, is to breathe with it. See that this pain and this suffering is able to move. It is not a stagnant concrete block, but it can move, it can change. It can be refined into a lighter version. Just as the coal into the diamond. As the water into the vapor mist, and so on. You can breathe through it, allow it to move, breathe it out, release it, release the pain, release the suffering. See where you are still holding onto pain. Find the root cause of that pain. Come to terms with the original root cause of that pain, and then come to terms with it and release it. Have gratitude. Focus on love without conditions and transmute it into a lighter form. See it be vaporized into the mist, into the water vapors that go off into the air. See it evaporate. Release the suffering. Release the self-imposed suffering by saying, well, I am grieving. I feel guilty if I do not grieve for a certain period of time for this person leaving physical form, again, that is self-imposed suffering. Instead, you have the choice to be joyful, have happiness, radiate that happiness, joy, and gratitude to the person. See them back into their eternal aspect, their authentic being. Have gratitude and see them in that lighter form, instead of continually projecting and seeing them in a lower dense form.
The choice of suffering is time for release. Is the time for release the suffering to release, the pain. There is no doubt that we're going to have more pain. It can be very challenging when we see other people in pain and we feel that pain, we feel and see them suffering. It's essential at these times to focus on the love. Love without conditions onto them and everything they have going on. Just because someone else is feeling pain and suffering does not mean that you need to feel pain and suffering. You do not need to experience suffering. Just be compassionate, you can stand beside them and focus on love. Be love. Radiate the love, not just send love, but BE the love that encompasses them and every single thing that they have going on. Therefore, they are able to move through their own pain and suffering with greater ease because of the light and the love that you are radiating all around them. We do not need to take the pain and suffering away from anyone or anything, nor do we need to take on the pain and suffering from anyone or anything. We do not need to transmute it for anyone or anything the same. As we do not need to take on any type of perceived pain from the earth either. Or feel like we have to take on this pain and suffering of the earth, and therefore transmute it through ourselves. Again, these are beliefs that are not needed. The simple act of making the choice to BE LOVE, to be the wholeness of your eternal aspect of your infinite beingness in physical form, and just be that love. Transmute pain and suffering into freedom, into a lighter form. We do not need to be the conduit for again pain and suffering of other things, but simply just be the love that allows the aspects of whatever you are seeing, be it beings, people, places, or things. Allow them to release their density in their own way. To have their own self-realization of being able to release the suffering themselves.
So we can't really take the pain away from someone or something else. We can only love them to the point to where they make the choice to release the pain and suffering themselves. So that's the process my friends, to release the program of suffering within ourselves to the point we become the conduit of that love to reality, to everyone else, to where they then can make the choices to release the program of suffering, the fear and so on themselves. Remember to breathe through it and release it, breathe through it, and release. Live and love on, my friends. Love ON....