REM Sleep & Healing (Self Healing)

So for those of you that have never heard of REM sleep. It stands for rapid eye movement. REM sleep accounts for a very small percentage of our total night's sleep. A very small percentage that might be anywhere from 10 to 20% of the whole night's sleep. For those of you that have never heard of REM sleep before, you're welcome to do the research on sleep labs. If you went to a sleep monitoring system and so on, they're going to put all these electrodes on you, which monitors the stages of your sleep time and when you move into REM sleep and so on. The purpose of me bringing up the topic of REM sleep has to do with the level of frequency that our mind is within during REM sleep, which is Theta. During the time of REM sleep, we have theta brainwaves, which they are able to monitor. It's through this time of REM sleep and theta vibration, is when we actually receive the most amount of healing of our physical body. The most amount of rejuvenation through our physical body happens during REM sleep.
So even though REM sleep accounts for a very small percentage of our total night's sleep. It is when the majority of our healing of the physical body takes place. The importance of why I'm describing this relates to the previous topic that we are energetic beings. It's during this time of sleep when we start radiating the theta vibration. It aligns us with our multi-dimensional self and more of our authentic divine presence of our being, which is a higher vibration. That higher vibration then flows through our body and all aspects of our being.
While we're in the state of REM sleep/theta vibration is when the cells in our body are rejuvenated and so on. It's that level of vibration is what heals the body during that period of time. When we sleep, it's clear proof of the healing energy that flows through us every single night while we sleep. It rejuvenates our awareness when we wake up in the morning and we've had good REM sleep. We feel more refreshed. Our body has had time to rejuvenate itself. It had time to replenish, cleanse itself and so on. This happens because of the higher vibrational energy that is flowing through our physical body at that specific time. That's how healing happens during when we sleep. So it's not some kind of magical, mystical thing. It has to do with the level of vibration that we're currently in at that time. That level of vibration then naturally flows through our being and then is distributed and rejuvenates the physical body. For people that have a hard time getting good REM sleep. You will see that their physical health deteriorates and they have a hard time focusing in their daily life. It's very hard to focus, to have good clarity and so on, If you're not getting good REM sleep. So i'm not only pointing out the importance of good sleep, but how the healing energy runs through our multi-dimensional self, the divine light of who we are, flows through us and how it rejuvenates.
This is again a simple concept. A simple thing that happens to nearly everyone. Nearly everyone, because a lot of people have trouble getting any REM sleep and therefore they are in really rough shape. So anyway, it goes into the previous topic of energetic beings, just to become more aware of how energy flows through us and the self healing aspects of these different levels of vibration and how they flow through us. How we heal ourselves through this process.