The difference between Attunements and Activations (Energy Healing)

So as I described in the previous two topics of how energy flows through us when we have REM sleep at night, the theta vibration that heals and rejuvenates the body at night. In addition the topic of how to run energy through the body, and so on. These are good examples going into understanding what attunements and activations are. An attunement is very similar to a tuning fork. A tuning fork has a certain level of vibrational frequency. So when I hit a tuning fork, basically it is vibrating in a certain frequency range. The frequency range that a tuning fork runs has healing capabilities. It's what some specific tuning forks are made for. They have a point on the end that you can put on different parts of your body if you're having pain or say if you had some trauma to your physical body, basically you can do this and it will assist with healing. Place the tuning fork at a location on the body will assist with circulation and a higher level of vibration going through that region of your physical body, which then assists and accelerates the healing in that specific part of your body.
An attunement has to do with a symbol. So many people know about the Reiki symbols. Reiki symbols are placed within your energetic system. It is a symbol that essentially vibrates to a certain frequency range. That's what an energetic symbol will do to your energetic system. You can then use the vibration range frequency that that symbol is radiating to essentially heal your physical body, or vibrate at a higher level to where you're consciously aware of things that you were not aware of at a lower vibrational state. So that's what those symbols essentially do. The attunement has to do with attuning you to that level of frequency vibration. That is what a Reiki attunement is and has to do with a certain frequency range of a certain symbol that then vibrates your within your energetic systems, within your auric field to a certain level that assist you with healing yourself to a greater degree, or assisting the healing of other people using that symbol and or expanding your consciousness to become aware of things that you were not aware of before. That is the purpose of that specific attunement.
Now, getting into activations. Activations are what we do in the New Paradigm master classes. Activations stream down through your Divine Self/IAM Presence, through your energetic systems, down into your lower energetic systems of your physical body. This could be made up of hundreds of symbols, what some people call light codes. These activations happen more naturally then an attunement. An attunement does not necessarily happen naturally because it was placed within your energetic systems by someone else, and then activated.
When an activation is downloaded from your I am presence. You integrate what you're able to integrate at that specific time, in harmony and balance. So therefore you're not going to integrate an activation that is going to throw off the harmony or balance within the physical body. These activations are coming through your own divine self, through your I AM presence. They're only going to be able to to be integrated to the point that is going to activate you to a higher level of vibration that assists with more healing, more expansion of consciousness, more expansion of awareness to everything, and so on.
There's a lot that we could discuss regarding activations and attunements. Without going too much further into things, because this is actually a topic that could go on and on, but there's some main things that I want to point out. An attunement in a way can actually become a restriction, in time if you are expanding your consciousness to a degree to where that attunement, old attunement then becomes a restriction.
There's a lot of different things that people are attuned to that in time may become restrictions. For example religious symbols and or initiations done in ceremonies. These symbols hold energetic frequency and the more they are repeated over the physical body the more that specific energy is reinforced within the energy system. All symbols are tied to a certain level of vibrational frequency range. Again, that can cuase restriction within the levels of your energetic system until these symbols are cleared. Again, there's lots of different types of religious symbols, initiations and ceremonies and all kinds of different stuff. Most people are not even aware that energetic frequency restrictions such as this could be attached to your physical body through an attunement. As I described, Reiki symbols are tied to a frequency range and can cause vibrational restrictions within the levels of your energetic systems. A lot of people are going to take this in different ways and that's fine. The main thing is I'm providing information. It's up to you to discern and actually become more aware of what's going on within your energetic systems. I think last month I talked a lot about people that were like activation junkies, and they were just getting activations for, whatever the heck's going on, the blue moon activation, the red moon activation, all this other stuff.
The biggest thing is, is that when we are going through these different things throughout our life, these symbols and all this other stuff is within the levels of our energetic systems, and they can distort the energy from flowing through the physical body. They essentially can create blocks within the energetic systems that restrict higher frequency energy/your divine light from being grounded.
In the New Paradigm Master classes, we actually get into this where we assist with those clearings and so on, which really, opens up the energetic systems to a greater degree. There is a lot of benefits to that. I guess the main reason why I'm bringing these differences, is one to discern between what is an attunement and what is activation. That's one thing. But to become aware of all the things that you've experienced and agreed to, through this physical life and see how some of these things could be restricting your own expansion. So it's incredibly important as we're going through a process of so much acceleration, so much energy coming in. This energy cannot come in if it does not have the space for to be grounded.
So that's pretty much it without going any further. The main things is to become aware of how your energetic system are set up and what you have agreed to be anchored to your physical body in the past, and what those restrictions might be causing within the levels of your energetic systems now!